We received good response on our earlier post on
``Cabinet approves Implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission``
(more than 100 hits) published on 29 June 2016 and in turn some readers wanted information on pay matrix table. In view of above, we are giving information on the same for benefit of all readers :
Pay Matrix Table for Central Government Employees : Pay Matrix which is simple, transparent, predictable and easily comprehensible. During their interactions with the Commission, the stakeholders placed many demands, ranging from common entry pay, rationalization of the existing grade pay structure, common treatment of like cadres, transparent pay structure as also increasing the frequency of the MACP. The new pay matrix incorporates all these features: subsuming the grade pay, the rationalized matrix presents the whole universe of pay levels in one simple chart. The levels have been rationalized too, displaying a logical pay progression. Employees would be able to see their pay level, where they fit in and how they are likely to progress over their career span. The Commission has also recommended simplified procedures for computation of pension.
Pay Matrix Table : 7th Pay Commission has recommended the new pay structure for Defence Personnel with minimum of Rs.21700 and maximum of 250000. We compiled the table with Pay Band wise and given below for your information…Just scroll and click the images links and get the separate table for all pay bands…